Okay, so not exactly “Fine Woodworking”

Every once and awhile I feel the need for what might be called a “low project”, something made cheap and easily, either just for the fun of it or because it’s a needed utility project for the home or shop.  This time it’s a project that I’ve been wanting to do since high school, …vermicomposting.  Okay, “worm farming” if you must.  The idea is to create a simple system for composting kitchen wastes using worms.

There are many systems for vermicomposting and many designs for composters.  The system and design that I chose comes from the Oregon State University Extension Service.  It’s an ergonomic (back friendly) stacked design that automatically separates the worms from the finished compost (called castings) via screened bottoms in the stacked bins.  The worms naturally move up through the screens to the fresh garbage (yum!)  I did modify the design slightly by offsetting the 2×4 sections in order to create interlocking modules.

Worm composting produces liquid runoff (called compost tea) that collects in the tray. Because it will reside outdoors, I also added a piece of 1″ urethane foam and a seed germination warming mat.   Since it’s going on our patio, I gave it a quick coat of “Old Fashioned Milk Paint” in Lexington Green.

My worms will arrive in a few days.  I’ll add a few new pictures and an update when that happens.  If you would like to try vermicomposting for yourself, I recommend “Worms Eat My Garbage” (1982), by Mary Applehof.

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